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Reason #2 cats are better than dogs: They knock stuff off your desk so you don’t have to.
Beastly Breakfast Omens Bundle Foil Edition

Beastly Breakfast Omens Bundle Foil Edition

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Shipping begins February 26th

Share a bowl of your favorite cereal with your favorite beast while foretelling your favorite future, all with your favorite foil drops from Winter Superdrop 2024.

The copy of the card Circular Logic found in the “Deceptive Divination” drop was inadvertently printed as a sorcery, though we assure you, you can still cast it as an instant and the oracle text rules remain accurate. The error is found in both foil and non-foil versions.

  • 1x The Beauty of the Beasts Foil Edition
  • 1x Deceptive Divination Foil Edition
  • 1x Just Add Milk: Second Helpings Foil Edition

Beastly Breakfast Omens Bundle Foil Edition

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