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Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle

Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle

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Scusatemi, perdonate l'intrusione. Sì, vorrei semplicemente andare al piano con il Non-Foils Bundle... Esatto, proprio quel Non-Foils Bundle di Inside an Elevator Superdrop. Adoro quelle carte. Troppo belle! Cosa? Ci state andando anche voi? Fantastico. Non fa un po' caldo qui dentro? Nessun problema. Lo faccio per il bundle. Guardate! Le porte dell'ascensore si stanno aprendo! Andiamo. Hmpf. HMPF. HMMMPF. Oh ho, siamo bloccati. Proviamo uno alla volta. HMMMPF. Ho detto: uno alla volta! HMPF! Oh no! Le porte si stanno chiudendo...

Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle è un prodotto in quantità limitata disponibile fino a esaurimento scorte e limitato a 5 per cliente.
  • 1x Secret Lair x Brain Dead: Creatures
  • 1x Secret Lair x Brain Dead: Lands
  • 1x Secret Lair x Brain Dead: Staples
  • 1x Secret Lair x Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Vol. 1
  • 1x Secret Lair x Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Vol. 2
  • 1x Showcase: Bloomburrow™
  • 1x Featuring: Andrew MacLean

Ricevi una busta di gioco di Bloomburrow™ con l'acquisto di un drop Showcase: Bloomburrow™ fino a esaurimento scorte. L’iniziativa potrebbe essere soggetta a Termini e condizioni.

Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle

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