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Raison #5 pour laquelle les chiens sont supérieurs aux chats : Ils inclinent leur tête lorsqu'ils essaient de comprendre. <3
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle
Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle

Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle

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Excusez-moi, pardon, désolée, je veux juste me faufiler. J'aimerais aller à l'étage du bundle Non-Foils… Oui, c'est ça, le Non-Foils du Superdrop Inside an Elevator. J'adore ces cartes. Tellement classes. Ah, vous y allez aussi ? Parfait. On est un peu à l’étroit, là, non ? On fera avec. Pour le bundle, je suis prête à ça. Regardez ! Les portes s'ouvrent ! Allons-y ! Hmff.  HMMMFFF. Nous sommes coincés. Essayons un par un. HMMFF. J'ai dit un par un ! Ah ! Oh non, les portes se referment…

Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle est un produit en quantité limitée disponible jusqu’à épuisement des stocks, et limité à 5 exemplaires par client.
  • 1x Secret Lair x Brain Dead: Creatures
  • 1x Secret Lair x Brain Dead: Lands
  • 1x Secret Lair x Brain Dead: Staples
  • 1x Secret Lair x Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Vol. 1
  • 1x Secret Lair x Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Vol. 2
  • 1x Showcase: Bloomburrow™
  • 1x Featuring: Andrew MacLean

Recevez un booster de jeu Bloomburrow™ pour l'achat d'un drop Showcase: Bloomburrow™, dans la limite des stocks disponibles. Les conditions générales peuvent s'appliquer.

Take Me to the Floor with Non-Foils Bundle

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