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Reason #5 dogs are better than cats: That head tilt thing when trying to understand. <3
The Astrology Lands: Foil Virgo Bundle
The Astrology Lands: Foil Virgo Bundle
The Astrology Lands: Foil Virgo Bundle

The Astrology Lands: Foil Virgo Bundle

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Celebrate your sign! Be it sun, moon, or rising, let the world know: you’re a Virgo. Each bundle contains five drops, each containing five copies of an awesome astrological Island by Jeanne D’Angelo.  

Not your sign? Keep your eyes peeled. We’re adding a new basic land representing a new sign every month—and they’ll all be available until the end of 2022! 
  • 5x The Astrology Lands: Virgo Foil Edition

This product is not “Time Boxed to Demand,” preorders are only available for stock we have committed to print. Orders for this product are only available for printed stock. We will reprint as necessary within 2022. Click HERE for our FAQ.

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The Astrology Lands: Foil Virgo Bundle

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