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Receive an exclusive Foil Deadeye Navigator for every $150 spent while supplies last! T&Cs may apply.
sAnS mERcY Foil Edition

sAnS mERcY Foil Edition

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tHiS iS tHE mOSt bRutal, hArDeSt hiTtiNg, LEasT fORgiViNG dRoP sEcReT LAiR hAs eVeR rELeaSeD. tHe pUnIShMeNt tHesE cRUeL cARdS wiLL iNfLict iS inDEsCriBaBLe. eVeRY sInGLe sPeLL is pAiN iNcARNaTe. fEaR iS a wEaPoN. pOWeR iS eVErYtHiNg. sHoW nO mERcY. LOL

Art by Andrey Kuzinskiy, Joseph Meehan, Maxime Minard, Cynthia Sheppard, and Raymond Swanland.

sAnS mERcY Foil Edition is a limited quantity product that is available while supplies last and limited to 5 per customer.
  • 1x Foil Doom Blade 
  • 1x Foil Massacre
  • 1x Foil Torment of Hailfire
  • 1x Foil Ruination
  • 1x Foil Mogis, God of Slaughter

Card Image Gallery (5)

sAnS mERcY Foil Edition

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