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Theros Stargazing: Vol. III (Erebos)
Theros Stargazing: Vol. III (Erebos)
Theros Stargazing: Vol. III (Erebos)
Theros Stargazing: Vol. III (Erebos)
Theros Stargazing: Vol. III (Erebos)
Theros Stargazing: Vol. III (Erebos)
Theros Stargazing: Vol. III (Erebos)

Theros Stargazing: Vol. III (Erebos)

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2020/02/16 after the conclusion of Magic World Championship XXVI

Some gods hide in the shadows, hoping to keep their stories secret: countless struggles, manipulations, and intrigues. This drop holds your favorite legendary creatures at their celestial best—a must have for any true believer. Prove your devotion to death, deception, and what lies beyond with beautiful alt-art constellation gods by Jason A. Engle. 


  • 1x Foil Alt-Art Erebos, God of the Dead  
  • 1x Foil Alt-Art Athreos, God of Passage  
  • 1x Foil Alt-Art Phenax, God of Deception  
MTG Arena Redemption:  
One (1) single-use code for one MTG Arena Theros Stargazing: Vol. III Themed Sleeve (may be available later for separate purchase in MTG Arena).
*MTGO and Arena codes must be redeemed before December 31, 2020. Not available in all countries or territories. Not for resale.
** [MTG Arena Redemption] is not available in the following regions: China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Vietnam.

Theros Stargazing: Vol. III (Erebos)

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