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King. Sniper. Soldier. Brawler. Baby. If you have a problem… if explosions will solve it… and if you can draw them… maybe you can cast… these guys. With brand new art by Mike Uziel, these five cards will be the perfect fit in your deck, on your wall, or scattered around the smoldering crater they leave behind.
King. Sniper. Soldier. Brawler. Baby. If you have a problem… if explosions will solve it… and if you can draw them… maybe you can cast… these guys. With brand new art by Mike Uziel, these five cards will be the perfect fit in your deck, on your wall, or scattered around the smoldering crater they leave behind.

  • 1x Alt-Art Goblin Bushwhacker
  • 1x Alt-Art Goblin Sharpshooter
  • 1x Alt-Art Goblin King
  • 1x Alt-Art Goblin Lackey
  • 1x Alt-Art Goblin Piledriver

MTGO Redemption:
One (1) unique code to redeem for one (1) copy of each of the December 2019 Secret Lair Drop Goblin Bushwhacker; Goblin King; Goblin Lackey; Goblin Piledriver; and Goblin Sharpshooter cards for use in Magic Online.

MTG Arena Redemption:
One (1) unique code for one MTGA < explosion sounds > Themed Sleeve (available later for separate purchase in MTGA)

*MTGO and Arena codes must be redeemed before December 31, 2020. Not available in all countries or territories. Not for resale.

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