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Seeing Visions
Seeing Visions
Seeing Visions
Seeing Visions
Seeing Visions
Seeing Visions
Seeing Visions
Seeing Visions

Seeing Visions

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Open your third eye with this stunning playset of alternate-art Serum Visions. From street art to abstract, each one of these cards is trippier than the last. Mind-bending artists Kristina Collantes, DXTR, Lauren YS, and Jaime A. Zuverza ensure every scry feels much deeper than 2.
Open your third eye with this stunning playset of alternate-art Serum Visions. From street art to abstract, each one of these cards is trippier than the last. Mind-bending artists Kristina Collantes, DXTR, Lauren YS, and Jaime A. Zuverza ensure every scry feels much deeper than 2.

  • 4x Different Foil Alt-Art Serum Visions

MTGO Redemption:
One (1) unique code to redeem for one (1) copy of each of the December 2019 Secret Lair Drop Serum Visions cards for use in Magic Online.

MTG Arena Redemption:
One (1) card sleeve based on the Secret Lair Drop Life from the Loam card for use in Magic: The Gathering Arena.

*MTGO and Arena codes must be redeemed before December 31, 2020. Not available in all countries or territories. Not for resale.

Seeing Visions

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