Full-of-Foils Bundle
Included items (6)

Special Guest: Kelogsloops Foil Edition

Artist Series: Livia Prima Foil Edition

Artist Series: Chris Rahn Foil Edition

Rule the Room Foil Edition

The Tokyo Lands Foil Etched Edition

Free shipping is available on orders over $99! (US only, before applicable taxes and fees, terms and conditions may apply)
This bundle contains all six foil drops available in the June 2022 Superdrop! The coming of the six June foil drops was also mentioned in the Ancient Scrolls but varies depending on the translation. The Lazlino edition actually translates the passage as six “noon boil mops,” which perplexed scholars for generations until more recent translations began to perplex scholars in a different way, because why the heck would the Ancient Scrolls be about niche Magic: The Gathering internet sales? The Ancient Scrolls are truly our society’s greatest mystery. This bundle is much more straightforward—six foil drops for your increasingly awesome collection.
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