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Secret Lair gonna take a 🐾 this week.
Showcase: Kaldheim - Part 1 Foil Edition
Showcase: Kaldheim - Part 1 Foil Edition
Showcase: Kaldheim - Part 1 Foil Edition
Showcase: Kaldheim - Part 1 Foil Edition
Showcase: Kaldheim - Part 1 Foil Edition
Showcase: Kaldheim - Part 1 Foil Edition
Showcase: Kaldheim - Part 1 Foil Edition
Showcase: Kaldheim - Part 1 Foil Edition

Showcase: Kaldheim - Part 1 Foil Edition

Sale ended!

The forests of Littjara are typically still and peaceful, but today they jump and shudder like a drying machine set to max. It is no shapeshifter that causes the trees to do their best impression of an airport massage chair—it’s an army of giants unlike Kaldheim has ever seen. Stomp your opponents with these green and blue titans that feature Kaldheim’s unique showcase frame and art by WolfSkullJack, Christopher Lovell, and Richard Luong. They’re large, in charge, and everybody else better watch out!

Note: We are planning an upcoming B&R announcement. In that announcement, we plan to ban Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath in Pioneer, Modern, and Historic. Additionally, we are continuing discussions about doing the same in Legacy. While we are still working internally on the larger B&R announcement for that week, we wanted to share this information ahead of this sale.


  • 1x Foil Showcase Frost Titan
  • 1x Foil Showcase Primeval Titan
  • 1x Foil Showcase Uro, Titan of Nature’s Wrath  
MTG Arena Redemption: 

One (1) single-use code for one (1) “Showcase: Kaldheim - Part 1 Foil Edition” Themed Sleeve (may be available later for separate purchase in MTG Arena). 

MTGO Redemption: 

One (1) single-use code for one (1) copy of each of the “Showcase: Kaldheim - Part 1 Foil Edition” Frost Titan, Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath and Primeval Titan cards.

*MTG Arena and Magic Online codes must be redeemed within one year of order confirmation. Not available in all countries or territories. Not for resale.
**MTG Arena and Magic Online codes are not available in the following regions: China, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, Taiwan and Vietnam.
***MTG Arena codes are not available for in-app redemption. Redeem codes via the desktop client or by logging into your Wizards account. Redeemed content is available on your account on any platform.
****Unless otherwise stated, all printed Secret Lair drops are English language. 

Showcase: Kaldheim - Part 1 Foil Edition

Sale ended!
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