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We are once again honored to continue our partnership with Extra Life for another year. Thanks to your kindness, we’ve been able to donate over $3,700,000 since 2015. Who knows how high we’ll reach this year! We’re donating 50% of each Extra Life 2021 purchase directly to Extra Life.
Formed in 2008, Extra Life is an annual fundraising event where people from all sorts of gaming spaces come together to support Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. 100% of all donations go directly to Seattle Children’s Hospital in support of their Autism Center, and it’s a great way to give to those in need through the community you love.
We wrangled a group of extremely talented children and asked them to draw us their take on iconic Magic creatures, like Mulldrifter and Craterhoof Behemoth. We took those young Picassos’ masterpieces and handed them over to all-star artists Lars Grant-West, Chris Rahn, and Magali Villeneuve to bring those drawings further to life. You get two copies of each card in the drop—one with the kid’s art, and the other with the professional artist’s interpretation. We’re not gonna lie, it’s super cute. The flavor text comes from conversations with the kids, too! So, do some good and get multiple copies of some awesome cards. Support Extra Life today!
Learn more about Seattle Children’s Autism Center and the story of two of our young artists right here. Want to know about our other Extra Life activities? You can read about those here.
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