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Celebrate Magic’s 30th anniversary with this exclusive collector’s release. Magic: The Gathering 30th Anniversary Edition brings new life to some of the game’s most iconic cards with a unique, commemorative card back. After thirty years you can once again experience the rush of opening your own Black Lotus, Timetwister, original dual land, or other favorites from Limited Edition Beta.
Each display contains four 15-card booster packs. Each booster has 13 Modern-frame cards (including 1 rare), 2 Retro-frame cards (with 3 out of 10 packs containing a Retro-frame rare), and 1 unique token featuring Limited Edition Alpha artwork. Check out this article for a comprehensive look at what’s inside.
This special collection was only printed in limited quantities, so join in on the celebration while you still can. Here’s to thirty more years!
30th Anniversary Edition is a commemorative, collectible, non-tournament-legal product celebrating 30 years of Magic. Each display-worthy box includes four 15-card Booster Packs.
Each booster contains:
Watch this video for an in-depth look at Magic: The Gathering 30th Anniversary Edition.
Each display-worthy box includes four 15-card Booster Packs.
Each booster contains:
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