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Of all of Magic’s fictional creatures, birds are far and away the most popular. First invented by Richard Garfield in 1987, birds eventually made their way into Alpha via the powerful “Birds of Paradise” card. We thought it would be cool to envision what birds would look like if they existed in real life, so we commissioned some naturalistic, classical illustrations from Ovidio Cartagena and Allen Douglas.
Or get this drop, four others, and an Alt-Art Fetch Land in the Summer Superdrop Bundle!
Estimated Shipping Date: August 15th - September 30th
Our Secret Lair Summer Superdrop Sale has been postponed June 4th in observance of the National Day of Mourning. Our sale will resume with Mountain, Go on June 8th at 9am PST. For the latest updates please follow us on our Secret Lair Twitter HERE.
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